Yes - these are coyotes. Coyotes I have known.
Left and middle are of our little girl, Sasha, who has since crossed over the bridge. She was always a perfect lady in the house. Far right.. I am thinking this was Orion who lives at the Indiana Coyote Rescue Center. DH and I did volunteer work there in the past. We used to feed Sasha chicken. Ordered it in bulk at the local grocery store. They were the ones that first hung the CoyoteLady name on me!! It stuck. I loved it.

Kit: Natural Bliss Mini Kit from Rosey Toes
Green leaves from Bekah Designs -Chocolate Lover's Delight
Blending Mask from Jen C Designs
Template: Scrappers Delight Temp1 from Connie Prince
Font: Santa Fe LET