My magical treasure is my grandmother, Nanay Ona. She is such a strong and amazing woman, My eyes were so welty as I was creating this! I miss her so much!

Journaling reads:
My magical treasure is my grandmother, Nanay Ona. My grandfather died in WW2 while Nanay was 4 months pregnant with my mom and their 3 other children were all under 6 years old. A few years later, she was shot in the arm with a bullet and was hospitalized for almost one year. Yet, through all of this, she made it. She was determined to make a good life for her children who all became professionals both in the PI and the US. Nanay would stay with us for 6 months at a time, caring for us while my parents worked. I must have gotten the craft bug from her because she loved to sew and draw. I fondly remember her jar of buttons and she would sew matching clothes for my dolls and me. She would help me draw pictures for school and teach me to cook. Sadly she passed away in a car accident in 1989. I think about her all the time and she often visits me in my dreams. Magic #1, although I was also thrown out of the car, I survived. Magic #2, we found her jewelry (the necklace above was one of them) in my room with the scent of her powder after we thought it was lost for good. I still talk to her about life and how she has greatly influenced me. Many say I am remind them of her, the best compliment ever! I miss you, Nanay, and love you even more.

Mostly used Country Market by Wendy Tunison
Swirls, scatter, and Banner from Arabesque by Wendy Tunison
Word strips from She Survived Word Strips by Wendy Tunison
Font: Marcelle Script

Thank you so much!!