Template: Templatopia 9 by Ponytail Designs
Kit: An Adventurous Mind by Pixelily

I love our 'art gallery'. You both have so much fun creating
items to place on the wall. Anything goes when it comes
to creating. We have monsters, horses, rockets, pumpkins,
and more. I have always enjoyed being able to create, so
it is something special for me to watch (and listen too) your
two as you create. Sometimes the table is literally covered
paper, pens, markers and glue. I try to look past the
mess and all the little paper scraps all over the floor.
I try to look only at the masterpiece you create. Right
now, ****, you are into tracing things and writing
sweet notes for those you care about. I plan to keep
many of those for the rest of my life. ***, you love
anything that involves cutting paper and gluing it.
You are also trying to write some your name as you create.
My favorite is when you are creating at the table
together. I love to hear you bounce ideas off of each other and help each other with your creations. You both have some great imaginations and it is so much fun to see how they come out in your creations and so much fun to see them displayed on the wall.