Seriane is such a sweet & wonderful dog & often times makes us
laugh.  Today, she jumped into the bath-tub just to smell it: one
of those moments when ya wish ya had a camera.

Shawn cut her hair in preparation for our trip.  While we both show her
affection, she really takes to my husband Shawn.  I suppose it is
because he is gone so often from work, that she misses him,
& desires his affection.  

I can imagine that Shawn is talking to her in this picture.
He for sure is giving her the affection she so much craves,
it is never ending the affection that she desires to have.

She is as sneaky as an Indian, one minute she is on the floor, the next minute this medium sized dog is on your lap.  Shawn's legs are long, so she is very comfortable, while mine are short & there isn't enough room for her to get comfortable.

She is part Schnauzer & part Westy, so she is otherwise known as a Wauser.  She is all white & while part blind, & though scared @ times (due to being blind), very bright & alert.

She jumps up & down on her hind legs, when the postal service is here, or the UPS man, & Especially when my husband shows up home.  Who knows what she'd do if a stranger showed up @ our home, though a friend showed up (expectedly by us), she didn't like it one bit.  Shawn calmed her down while this man spent a good portion of the day with my husband.

Ellies: by MC, SSB (1 Ribbon & Flower)
I Kaleidoscoped the ribbon & added the flowers to it.

Looking Forward: by Connie Prince (2 Paper layers)
I applied the words to the background paper layer, as that was the only place left for them.