Monkey see, Monkey Do... All while on our trip to Florida you could not get enough of your super cute new monkey hoodie! You wore it everywhere, even in the 80 degree weather! You wore it to the park, to the beach but most of all to the local zoo! Everyone thought you were the cutest thing looking at the monkeys in your monkey hoodie.. pretending you were one of them ! If they only knew how much you truly would fit in! I believe you would make a perfect monkey! You may be only a little over a year, but boy oh boy are you a true monkey! You get into a lot of trouble my little girl! You absolutely adore climbing out of your crib, hanging upside down from the couch and swinging on swings. Not to mention  you are drawn to yellow things and bananas may just be one of your favorite foods.  So yes, I could have put you into that cage and no one would have been wiser.. as you would have blended right in. But mommy loves you to much for that. You are my little monkey to keep and to hold and cause me migraines as you grow into a bigger monkey.


Little Butterfly Wings: Look Who's at the Zoo
Heather Joyce: The Jessica

Two Tiny Turtles:
Remember Those Days Vol 2