My darling Bianca Rose, the world is a very harsh place. Others will tell you that you are not beautiful; they will tell you that you are not enough. But my dear sweet child, no matter if you are 200 pounds or 80 you will always be enough. Societies view on beauty is not right, listen to your mommy on this oneas she is older then you and knows more. It took me a long time in my life to learn that imperfection is where the beauty is; the beauty in things, as well as the beauty in us. The bumps, the curves, the mistakes, the quirks, the out of focus, the slightly off, the real. This is where the best of life lies, in the imperfections. I hope that as you discover yours, you will choose to embrace them, to cherish them in yourself and in the world around you, in the people you meet, in the people you come to love. Imperfect is movement and light and laughter and life, it is honesty and openness, it is round and soft and sight and sound; it is love. I pray that you will never try and have a perfect life, that you will never try to be a perfect person; that you will see the greatness in imperfect things and be proud of the things that make you different and unique. I love you because of those imperfections, because when I see you, I can hear you laughing, I can see that beautiful kind and caring heart of yours so full of unconditional love for the world and people around you, I can feel your joy; I am right back there in that silly, noisy, moving, giggling moment. It