My sweet darling Kai Raven, you were about 18 months old when you gave your mommy the scare of a lifetime. You hadn’t gained any weight what so ever from 6 to 12 months and you would have these explosive black tar bowel movements. It stumped everyone from our family doctor to the children’s specialists who tested you for everything from the common cold to cystic fibrosis. You would eat and eat but not gain any weight. You were the only 18 month old I knew who could sit down and eat four hot-dogs in one sitting. Anyways at about 18 months old, I found you one morning lying in your crib white as a ghost and lifeless. You have been pretty sick the few days before that with your normal black tar poos and you hadn’t been able to keep anything down. You barely moved as I picked you up and got you dressed and rushed you to the doctor’s office. The doctor took one look at you and only seconds later we were being rushed to the hospital for an overnight stay.
 Your body was weak and lifeless and you were extremely dehydrated. The doctors said you were near death. As I held you in my arms as they put the IV’s into your tiny arms, they told me I should be thankful that I had taken you into the doctor that morning. The doctors pumped your tiny body full of fluids and medication to help with your nausea. Slowly the color started coming back into your body and you became that smiley bubbly Kai I once knew. Doctors were in and out all day poking and pricking your tiny arms and feet running different tests to find out what was causing all your issues. You were the bravest little boy I have ever met. Through it all you stayed strong and barely ever cried. Two nights in the hospital, you were finally released with a full bill of health. We were told that the doctors here in our town could not find anything wrong with you and given a referral to the Children’s Hospital of Madison for additional testing. Till then we were told to keep you well hydrated and watch your weight. It would be over a year later, and a couple more hospital stays and so many more pokes and pricks before we finally would get somewhat of an answer on what was causing all your issues. You have an extremely rare disorder of the pancreas that causes you to have issues in digestion because you are missing an enzyme needed. You would be placed on a strict special diet and given weekly weight checks to monitor your progress. You would also be taken off of all milk and given pedia-sure to drink to bring up your weight. You are still extremely underweight, but knock on wood pretty healthy today.

Pink Reptile Designs: Dear Austin, Under the Weather