Kit: Lola by Misty O’Brien Designs

Without a doubt the biggest change in my life was to becomea mother.
Everything just changed in the minute she was born.
First of all the good changes were the fact that I spent the whole pregnancy worried about her, since my first baby died when I was 38 weeks into the pregnancy.
That first cry was the happiest moment in my life, was a big relief, I was finally able to breath and relax after 9 months of insane worry.
Breastfeeding definetly changed me! Don’t be fooled it’s not an easy task!!! You are “requested” every three hours, be seated for an hour, one hour to burp, change, play and put a baby to sleep again, and you are left with one hour to eat, do some housework, and maybe a shower...
But it’s an amazing experience, I loved looking at my daughter while she was in my arms so close to me, I like to think that that created a bond that will never be broken.
Another great change that breastfeeding made in me was the fact that now I have a new respect to my body. My body is amazing even if a little overweight, it is the house of my soul, my body helped develop and sustain my little girl for a long time, and now I understand clearly why I should take a better care of it.
Seeing my daughter grow is changing me daily, Every single day I learn something new... I learn that I have to move stuff to the next upper shelf, I can’t say bad words specially when looks like she is not paying attention, I have to be kind and respectful to everyone even when they are not.
Being a mom really changed me, I have a new purpose, a new responsbility, a new reason to love and respect myself and others.
I love all the changes and the challenges that came with it.
Becoming a mom was the best thing that ever happened to me.