Template: Connie Prince - Cookie Time

Kit: Gingerbread Ladies - Lost At Sea

Journaling:  I can’t lie! I AM a material girl - for Pete’s sake,  I grew up in the 80’s!  And while I am waiting to be rescued by Daniel Craig (yummy!), I will be lounging in one of my most prized treasures...my BED!  I couldn’t survive on a daily basis without it! I have a bad back and if I am going to survive - I NEED MY BED!!!

My other prized treasure is my computer!  Really, I’m going to have a lot of time on my hands and could use the time to scrap!  ALL my pictures and kits are on there, as well as Facebook (to keep up with all the important ‘statuses’ of my friends),Pandora (for my music), and GingerScraps (to keep up with my challenges).

Who am I kidding, take your time, Daniel - I’m...

Relaxin' and Scrappin'