Enjoy by Nibbles Skribbles. Template by Eudora Designs.
Journaling: We started our journey in October of 2014. I started with Clomid which worked for me both of the other times. I had no reason to believe that it would not work this time. In fact, I actually thought I might get pregnant earlier then we wanted if everything went perfectly. Things did not go perfectly. I slowly increased my dose every six weeks and still no results. It was so disheartening. There were lots of tears and prayers. I almost decided that it was just not going to happen, so I should get rid of all my baby clothes and call it quits. I have two kids that I love very much and keep me busy enough. Why complicate life with another?
My Dr explained that it was not unusual to need a different medication even if Clomid had worked before. We decided to give Letrozole a try. I was so frustrated because I was still not detecting any ovulation. I was so tired of taking test after test and having them negative. I don