UNDER MASTHEAD: serving Columbus since 1871; Tuesday, January 29, 2013; single copy: priceless

MAIN STORY:  New Owl Species Spotted at Columbus Zoo

Columbus Zoo.-   This photo was taken by two ladies at the Columbus Zoo this afternoon.  Officials think this may be a new species of owl as the more common varieties have been ruled out (see sidebar). Scientists expressed concern that the owl’s unusual coloring will not give it sufficient camouflage from predators. Dispatch writers will keep readers informed.


Burrowing Owl - These charming little owls have been known to mimic the sound of a rattle snake to keep away predators.

Snowy Owl - This largest North American owl (by weight) spends summers far north of the Arctic Circle.

Barn Owl – These owls help farmers by preying chiefly on mice and rats.

Great Horned Owl - With its long, earlike tufts, intimidating yellow-eyed stare, and deep hooting voice, the Great Horned Owl is the quintessential owl of storybooks.


Screech Owl – Small owl, fairly common in woods esp. near water; active at night.

CREDITS: Owl Photos: Wolfgang Wander at Wikimedia; Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren at; Kax at; Jakob at; Chris Gill at; Kit: “National Treasure”, Scraps ‘N Pieces; Template: Digital Scrapper; Font: Old Newspaper Types Regular