Credits: Cleaning Day by Crisdam Designs

Journaling: Every superhero (which I consider myself to be when I'm in a particularly narcissistic mood) has an arch enemy - sworn to destroy their spirit and send them into a spiral of destruction. Superman has Lex Luthur, Spiderman has the Green Goblin, and SuperMommy has the Pile of Laundry! I feel weaker already, just thinking about it. The amazing thing about this enemy is it's almost mystical ability to regenerate itself. The baskets are quite simply never empty (notice the plurality of that statement-another sign if it's strength).

With six of us in the house, and most of our clothes getting bigger (I'm talking about the kids clothes, of course), I have no doubt that this epic battle will rage on for years. Rest assured, however, that I am committed to victory and I have full confidence that good will overcome evil (or at least, laundry). And if it doesn't - SuperMommy will just go and buy some new threads and start throwing stuff away.