My older granddaughter posted this conversation between her and her 6 year old sister on her Facebook page, and I thought it needed to be in a layout! the journaling says:

A conversation between Hope and I this evening:

Hope: Hannah, are you ever going to move?
Hannah: Maybe someday...
Hope: But you can't leave me! (as her eyes start filling with tears)
Hannah: Oh, Hope! I won't leave for a while, maybe when I get married someday.
Hope: (with a look of horror on her face) YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?!?!
Hannah: No, not yet.
Hope: But, I don't want you to leave! You're my favorite sister.
Hannah: Hope, you're making me sad....I'm not leaving for a long time.
Hope:(with a slightly determined voice) Nope, you're NEVER leaving.
Hannah: But what happens when I get married and I have to live in a different house?
Hope: (thinks for a moment) Well, just don't get married.
(I then turn to mom for a little help)
Mom: Hope, Hannah will get married someday just not for a while.
Hope: Yeah, mom, not until she is 100!
Hannah: Hey! I might be dead by then, Hope!
Hope: That's ok, will still be with me...
Hannah: I give up....

Connie Princes new bundle Project 2012-March-Mega Stash found here:
was just perfect to document this precious conversation!