My sweet girl we rescued several months ago.
That birthday cake looks like a pile-o-poop, but it is actually peanut butter bones caked in PB Wink
Remi you funny sweet girl. We adopted you when you were 4 months old in Nov 2011. You were so shy and so scared and confused. 8-1-12, is the best guesstiment of your first birthday, and your Golden Birthday at that! Today you are fun and outgoing, and such a good girl. So smart and funny, and make us laugh every day. We feel so lucky to have you!
Happy Golden Birthday Remi, We love you so much!!

W/A is provided for the challenge-I love it, thank you

Kit-Pet Shop by Kathy Winters

Hearts -GingerScraps Essential Basics: Red

Number 1 -GingerScraps Essential Basics: Yellow