Caution: LO is of a personal nature and while it contains nothing graphic it may be emotional for some

Journaling reads:

Yes, Mommy Dearest...
The one thing I got
from you are my eyes. The
deep, beautiful green,
the shape, the intensity!
My magic mirrors into my soul

For those who know me casually, they see a pair of beautiful eyes. They are the lucky ones. For those who know me they see what I hide from others and even try to hide from them. What you truly gave to me. Verbal and physical abuse, abandonment and torture.

They see what you left me with, burning deep in the pits of my soul. Pain, shame, loneliness, longing, hopelessness, embarrassment, anger, rage, hatred, fear, loathing.

The feelings of failure, inadequacy, loss, a stolen childhood unable to ever be replaced. A heart broken so bad that it can’t be fixed as some of the pieces have been lost along the way.

They see a soul that cries to be loved and love in return 100% but can never give or receive even close to that.

They see a heart that is shriveled, that hides behind a mask in hopes that no one can see. Instead praying that all they see is the happy, outgoing life of the party.

Yes, Mommy Dearest...You gave me my eyes and all that lies within them

Kit used: All torn up by Retro Diva Designs