Credits: Picture This by Luv Ewe Designs


It was a short but fun visit for Kelly and Dave. Kelly wanted to visit and Dave wanted to meet David. He also had some model train questions for him. During their visit I got to show off my favorite Chinese restaurant and that they deliver. I also repeated to Kel again that "no, she can’t clean my house for me;” David asked her to help with thing with stairs and doing laundry made her happy. Dave installed my hand shower that David got me for Christmas and we enjoyed a different board game every night! These pics are after Apples to Apples when I realized that we were so busy enjoying the visit that I had no photos! While doing the staged game photos, we did a portrait-style of Kelly and me with Dave like we did with Pop, redoing the original one we did with Mom in 2002.

Dave and Kel left a day earlier than planned because there was some serious snow coming, especially towards Missouri They called every stop on the way home, my insistence. They made it home through some nasty roads, but safe and sound.