I used the ‘spirited’ new kit, Spirited by Wendy Tunison Designs.

The journaling reads:
Don loved to be Santa, and he was truly an awesome Santa. I’ll never forget this special occasion, when after the hoopla created by Santa’s arrival subsided, all the children lined up for their turn telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. At the end of the line was a shy little boy about seven years old. When it was his turn with Santa, it took a little coaxing from Santa and Mrs. Claus for him to even look at Santa. After a private conversation just between he and Santa, the little boy’s eyes twinkled and a huge grin broke out on his face. Santa then asked the little boy what he wanted for Christmas. He proudly said he wanted a tie. A little surprised by the boy’s request, Santa asked the little boy why he wanted a tie. The little boy told Santa he wanted a tie so he could go to church. Needless to say, there wasn’t a dry eye for anyone within ear-shot, including Santa and Mrs. Claus. To this day, this is one of the most humbling experiences I have ever had.