Credits: Lucky go Happy by CathyK designs


I have drop of Native American blood in me. It was enough to make my girlfriends in high school jealous because I only had to shave my legs twice a week in the summer but not enough to get a casino.

My Irish is a bigger drop! Sure my auburn hair comes from a box, but when my blue eyes turned green when I was 15, that was 100% real Irish!

I was raised catholic and my degree is from  a catholic university, so green on March 17 is okay, but my mom used to tell me how her grandfather growled at her when she wore green to school. “We’re protestant Irish. You shouldn’t wear the catholic color.”

But on March 17th I raise beer n a green bottle or a shamrock shake to salute my degree and my green Irish eyes!


David brought me this year’s shamrock shake and warmed up homemade cabbage soup in a green soup cup