Page: Rose Cole
Photos: Rose Cole
Template: Miss Fish - Blended Days-02
Kit-Supplies: GingerBread Ladies - Craft Fair wc pp3, wood styles,
LouCee Creations - Spring Fever, Lindsay Jane - Forest Walk pp 03
Fonts: Alyssum Blossom, Chalkduster
The summer of 2018 was so hot and humid without much rain. The ground was so dry and patches of grass were brown and dried up. On top of all that it was a hectic time. It was exciting to get our mini home but sad at the same time as we would not be seeing Lilly as much as we used to when we lived in the downstairs apartment. On the day we had popped over to drop some things off at the house, Lilly had been helping Daddy wash the truck and taking breaks to eat cheesies. But she was so excited to see us. She wanted to show me the fishing girl and the gnome I had painted at the Clay Cafe. I didn’t have the heart to bring the gnome to the mini home so I gave it too her that day. She still loves having pinwheels, ‘magic’ butterflies and garden fairies in the garden, both here and at her home.