Journaling: When I was a child my mother took me to register for Kindergarten in 1982. I was beyond excited! Somehow I had really come to look forward to starting Kindergarten. But I was utterly crushed with disappointment when they told my mother that my birth-date was in October so I would have to start next year. 

Finally, when next school year rolled around, I was on cloud nine. So when the classmates began filing into Miss Flynn’s classroom I could not understand why the pretty little girl named, Betsey - who might I add had the frilliest dress with beautiful little bo-peep curls to match - was balling her eyes out when her mother left. I was beyond happy to be in Kindergarten. Why was she so upset? It was so puzzling for my Kindergarten aged mind. Later in life I realized it was because she was probably very close to her mommy like some of my children are. I could see them doing the same - tho I am thankful they never had to experience that.  

Credits-> Flower Inspirations (Neia Scraps) | Font: Emily Austin