Our day trip from Denver to Fraser, Colorado.
Journaling reads: We woke up Wednesday morning to blue skies & bleary eyes. Neither of us slept well, Wendell worrying we'd oversleep. He's never found an alarm he trusted & me worrying, because I'd forgotten to do our Covid pre-trip check-in the night before. It turned out to be the same set of Covid questions we've all been asked over and over.. Union Station, was easy to find; parking, on the other hand, was interesting to say the least. We found a parking ramp, that had the 'creepy factor' ramped up. Wendell squeezed Jonathan's Tahoe into a spot that was tighter than most of my clothes (and that's not sexy tight), and my side was up against a concrete wall. I'm not sure how he got it in the spot, but crazier yet, not sure how I got my not sexy tight body out of the 8 inch gap that I had when I opened my door. I'm on my tippy-toes on the running board, hanging onto the luggage carrier rails on the top, and inching my way along to extract myself from the parking spot without breaking my neck and ruining my chances of ever seeing the mountains. Simon Cowell called and wants me to bring my act to America's Got Talent. After I finally popped out into the open, Wendell says, "Oh, I guess I should have let you out before I pulled into that spot." You think? On the other hand, if I was parking, I'd still be in Denver trying to get the Tahoe into that parking spot. Union Station is just a glorious piece of architecture that has been restored to all of its glory rather than being torn down and replaced with a chunk of concrete. It's one of those places where you can say, "They just don't build them like this anymore." It's a hustling, bustling place even at 8 o'clock in the morning. I got some coffee and Wendell got a cinnamon roll that gave large whole new meaning. It certainly wasn't as stressful as the airport. The train was on time coming in from Chicago?, it came from the right wherever that came from, I’m directionally challenged you know. I would have loved to have ridden in the excursion car, but it was full. The seats on a train are comfy, have tons of leg room and windows big enough that we had a good view. Snow was predicted for later in the day, and by the time we left the station clouds were sliding down, the skies becoming more gray, and the sunshine disappeared. About 15 minutes in, it was getting really hazy; the view was fading away, and Wendell says, "Well, taking the train to see the mountains, is a bust." I should have done a pre-check-in with the mountains, I guess. Sometimes, even after 43 years, it's like traveling with Eeyore. He's been to Denver a couple of times; didn't have the same 'need' for mountains. I figured if a plane can go above the clouds, a train should be able to do it too. The higher we climbed, the clouds slowly started dropping away, and the mountains and a beautiful blue sky came into view.
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