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Perfect Summer Day Kit by ScrapChat

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It's really hot today. The thermometer in the kitchen says it's 30 degrees [Celsius] outsiden, and 26 inside. Way too hot for my taste. Of course I have to clean - have both vacuumed and washed the floor in John's room. It was really about time! Otherwise I've spent the most of the day with reading. Currently reading a book called "Boyfriend Material" by Alexis Hall. So far I think it seems to bea a charming and kinda fun story. But, unfortunately, it's seems like the Swedish translation is a bit wonky. It's easy that it gets a bit strange when thera are puns, that don't really translate well. Then it's good that I know English well enough, that I get the jokes anyway.

We don't have any plans for the summer this year. There will be a couple of day trips, but not any longer road trips. In a way it feels like the summer is over already, even though Urban not even started his vacation yet. It's probably due to the fact that we took our trip to Vadstena early this year, in May. Also, it was fantastic weather all the time we were there, and that makes it feel like the vacation already has been. But it will be nice to just stay home and relax most of the summer. Most of all, it feels like Urban really needs the rest. He's seemed a bit tired and stressed lately. A couple of week off, and just resting is just what he needs.