Journaling reads
Pam and I go special places for our birthdays every year.  This year, Pam took me to Huntington Gardens for my birthday. It poured all day. Our goal was to walk for 20,000 steps, but we barely made 18,000. We got really wet, but loved every single minute of it. We took pictures of each other in all the different areas, but
my favourites are the selfies we took of the two of us.

Pam and I walk together almost every day.  If we can’t manage in person, because we are babysitting, we are together on the phone or in spirit.  We are very committed to our walks.

This was taken at the start of our adventure, before we got wet!

Real Moments - Better with Friends Full Kit by Cindy Ritter Designs

Whimsical Lovelies