Journaling reads:
My parents selected my Aunty Lynne, my dad’s sister, to be my Godmother.  She took her responsibility seriously and spent a great deal of time with me when I was growing up.  She taught me how to cook, sew and embroider.  The most important thing she instilled in me was a deep and abiding faith, which I have held fast to my whole life.  She bought me my first Bible and taught me the importance of reading it. She was a teacher and lived on a tight budget, but she saved so she could take trips all over the world. Sometimes,I went on holiday with her, met many amazing people and saw things that the average tourist did not. She had friends everywhere we went.  She shared our family history with me and often talked about her Aunty May who was her Godmother and taught these same things to her.  When my son was diagnosed with a terminal illness she took me to Israel.  She hoped that, as I went through difficult times in my life, I would remember where Jesus walked and grow even stronger in my faith.  It did help.  I am grateful for my wonderful Aunt and and am glad my children had an opportunity to know her and love her too.

Unicorns and Rainbows Collection &
Warrior Princess Collection by Magical Scraps Galore
Craft Faire by Gingerscraps

Font: Friendship