Kit: Nature Hike mini by Karen Schulz

Additional elements & papers from Mothers and Daughters mini by Karen Schulz and Here Comes The Sun

Template: Simply3 by Aimeeh Designs

Fonts: Architects Daughter and Baby Crab

Photo: Imgmur

This little sea slug - known as the leaf sheep or sea sheep,  or, more formally, Costasiella kuroshimae - certainly is stunning. Resembling a cartoon land sheep, the leaf sheep is a species of sacoglossan sea slug that has the unusual ability to photosynthesize. They retain the chloroplasts from the food they eat and use them to manufacture their own energy - just like a plant would.

The sea slugs cerata are leaflike appendages akin to an aloe vera plant or a zebra succulent and usually has pink, purple or white tips containing branches of digestive gland.  Divers have said that since they're very tiny - only a few millimeters long - they sometimes see a “flock” on a leaf of algae, much like a flock of sheep in a pasture.   These sea sheep, discovered in 1993 in Japanese waters, are widely distributed across Asia, encompassing the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Gueinea, the Solomon Islands and Timore-Leste.