Claude Monet once said, “Color is my day long joy.”
I’m with Claude. The favorites are all the shades of turquoise and all the shades of pink. But I’ve actually never met a color I didn’t love. Luckily I live on an island of green surrounded by an ocean of aquamarine and filled with flowers of every hue.
These photos include a pair of pants my friend gave me worn w my jungle cat boots and magical pashmina, accessorized with a bright book on the bus; today’s book about kimono design; my office closet jacket selection; and the bench on my lanai.
This morning my husband watched me putting on my hot pink Crocs and said, “You look spiffy.” I laughed and said, “Who’s the most colorful person you know?” He hugged me saying, “You, of course. Have a great day.”
And I will.
GBL Blowing in the Wind, Besties; CAP Beautiful Life, Love Grows Here, DSS Stormy Skies