TOP PHOTO: 3 minutes into 1st half stoppage time Crew goalkeeper, Abraham Ramirez, in his 1st start with the team, is red-carded and removed from the game.

MIDDLE PHOTO: Score is 0-0 at this time. Due to circumstances beyond their control, the Crew have no back-up keepers on the bench. Midfielder/defender and "jack-of-all-trades" Sean Zawadzki is pressed into service. Although he has played just about every position on the pitch, the one he has not played on a professional level is GOAL-KEEPER! Seattle Sounders go on to beat the Columbus Crew 4-0. Sounders player Albert Rusnak is "Man of the Match" for scoring 3 of those goals (a "hat-trick"). WOW, against a guy who has never played the keeper position before!

BOTTOM PHOTO: By the end of the second half, Sean had made at least two saves! The home-town fans were VERY supportive, chanting his name and cheering for him after the match! This is the REAL "Man of the Match!"

CREDITS: PHOTOS: by me; KIT: "Mindful Moments" by Jumpstart Designs; FONT: Leelawadee UI Regular