Simplicity from Wendy Tunison

Simply Red from Wendy Tunison

Cold as Ice v 3 from M&MDesigns


Oreo came into our lives as a pup. I took one look at the white patch on his chest and said "You look like an Oreo" The kids loved the name and it stuck. He wasn't very trusting of us at first. Joe had rescued him from a poor situation and it took time for the trust to build. He had the closest bond with Carolyn. She taught him many tricks, most in only one day. If she stomped her foot once, he would lay down. If she stomped her foot twice, he would roll over. The house we were living in was set up so the kitchen opened into the back room which opened up into the dining room, which in turn opened up into the kitchen, forming a loop. Carolyn would run the loop and Oreo would chase her. When Carolyn got tired of running, she would jump into the living room where Oreo was not allowed on the carpet. It was so funny to watch him skid to a stop at the very edge of the carpet. We were never sure of his breed, but suspected that he was part Border Collie. When we would let him loose in the back yard, he would run herding patterns. It was such a joy to watch him run free and fast. It was amazing to watch the bond grow between Oreo and the kids. We still miss the joy that he brought into our lives.