This was done for a challenge at another site.

Q: "Percy, were you a good boy while we were gone?"
A: "Woof!" (Of course, I'm always a good boy!)
Q: "Did you miss me?"
A: "Sqeeek, sqeeeeek!" (I missed you SO MUCH!)
Q: "So ---- what did you do while we were away?"
A: "Woof, woof."  (Took a nap)
Q: "Did you nap on your new pillow?"
A: "Bark!" (I tried REAL HARD)
Q: "But?"
A: "Bark, arf, arf, woof, bark, bark, grrrr! Yap, yap, yap." (Just as I got settled, the pillow exploded! Stuffing went all over the house!)
"Waah!" (I was so scared!)
"Awwww, poor Percy!"
CREDITS: PHOTOS: web; KIT: Barksley by Etc. by Danyale; FONT: Milk and Cereal