Created for the photoless page challenge at the Dandelion Dust Designs Facebook page Credits: Across the Miles fit from Dandelion Dust Designs
Created for the photoless page challenge at the Dandelion Dust Designs Facebook page
Credits: Across the Miles fit from Dandelion Dust Designs
Fun take on the challenge! Love the title and the ribbons and banners beneath it!
This is a great white space page with everything placed in the middle. Social media does have some good points. Great title.
Fantastic page! love the central positioning of the photo and clean lines!
What a great take on the challenge. I adore how you embellished the top of your screenshot with sucha variety of elements, but still maintaining such a clean look! Well done.
Great white space around the center focused LO. Fun page!
I really like the use of white space on here and I love the touches of paint behind the main feature of the layout. Wonderfully composed.