I kept the lo simple...our gorgeous flag in the background makes a bold statement

Journaling: As a child of immigrant parents(from a communist country) over 60 yrs ago, it fills my heart with pride to know that my daughter has taken her patriotism for her country to a very committed level. To assure that, we as Americnas, can have the freedoms that were almost denied me, so long ago. She is, as I write this, on her 2nd deployment. She is a wife(to a soldier as well), has 2 beautiful children and has earned 2 Masters Degrees. Not only is she beautiful, but, also, strong and loyal. I have never heard either of them complain about their deployments,as this is the life they chose and sacrifices come as part of their jobs. I applaud them for the sacrifices they selflessly endure, for the rest of us. It saddens me, however, to know that our military is not held to the highest standards by many..and may tend to get lost in the background while serving their country. To know that many of our soldiers live in sub-standard housing and suffer financial crisis is shameful. Laws are made by many who have never served. Yes,my daughter Sara, is my hero for being a part of this very honorable group of men and women.

This mother asks you to Pray for our troops at home or away..and thank a soldier whenever you can. (someone else's hero!)

Stars and Stripes mini by Kathy Winters Designs https://store.gingerscraps.net/Stars-and-Stripes-Mini-Kit-by-Kathy-Winters-Designs.html