Ginger Scraps Collab "A Day In Paradise"

Journaling Reads:
Hey Guys!
I can’t believe I’ve been on this island for 3 weeks now! I am missing you three like crazy! It’s not quite the same without you guys around! Michael, my love, I think absence really makes the heart grow fonder and I can’t wait to be in your arms again! I hope that you are managing everything fine without me! I know you probably are and I hope the kids aren’t driving you insane! I hope you all are eating more than just frozen dinners! Haylie and Hunter, know that mommy loves you and misses you terribly! I bet you guys have gotten so big and are no doubt driving your daddy crazy! I don’t know when I’ll get voted off and be home to you guys…but just keep rooting for me! I love you all so much!