Kits from Seatrout Scraps: "Destiny" and "Delightful"; Word Art by Rachel Pearce of Seatrout Scraps;
Paw Print from "Kitty Cats" by Connie Prince
Who Rescued Whom?
We thought we were making your life better, but little did I know you would change my life forever. You were merely a baby found on the side of the road during a particularly cold autumn. At first, you were passed around a group of college friends, but they did not know how to take care of you. When we finally saw you, it was my cousin Crosby’s turn to try and take care of you. Something told me things were not right, especially hearing you were thought to be 6 weeks old. Crosby gave you to us, and I took you to the vet. The doctor informed us you were actually 4 weeks old. And since you had not received proper nutrition and love, the vet feared you would not live. If you were to live, he said you would never know how to take care of yourself having been without a mother. I was determined to defy the odds.
I spent two weeks nursing you with kitten formula. You ate as if starved. Night after night, I got up to feed and comfort you. Then one night there was not a sound. Our 8 year old Maine Coon male cat, Kitty, took you under his paw and became a surrogate parent. You learned to clean yourself and use the litter box. When we brought you back to the vet, he could not believe you were alive.
We knew you were meant to be ours when only a few months later Alan was diagnosed with cancer. It was all a blur; test results confirmed the cancer, he went into the hospital for a risky operation, more tests, a month of recovery and then we waited to know if the cancer was gone for good. As Alan sunk into a depression, I started losing my husband. He was distraught and exhausted. Every day I came home from work, he was in bed napping and you were always curled up by his side. You never left him throughout his recovery. To this day, Alan believes you helped heal him. You saved his life.
This month marks the 5-year anniversary of you joining our family. My darling Kitten, we cannot imagine a life without you. At times you can drive us crazy with your antics, but we tend to laugh more than scold. Not a day goes by without you doing something over the top: You sleep in boxes, lie in wait behind the stairs to pounce on whoever walks by and you figured out how to open the box where the cough drops are kept because you like throwing them down the stairs. I know I have loved every minute and only hope there will be many more.