Each day we are dealt a certain number of cards - people, places, events. It is up to us to make the best hand possible from those cards. On August 12, 2015, I was dealt a royal flush (plus a few).
1. Ethan’s friend Sydney visits for awhile before school. Ethan teaches her how to play Roblox online.
2. We’re turtle-sitting & Frederick needs breakfast.
3. The kids are gone & it’s time to check Facebook for all the news I care about.
4/5/6. I get to walk with Sandi & we see two very comfortable deer ON the trail.
7. After lunch, it’s back home for some CT work.
8. Before everyone gets home, I do a quick mop of the kitchen floor.
9. We end the day by finally having a late birthday dinner for Kim at Texas Roadhouse.
**BoomersGirl Designs**
Kit: Entertain Me
Note: No template used. Design is mine.