Journaling reads:

Your Daddy and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. It’s hard to believe that you’ll be 9 months old in just a couple of weeks. You’ve been such a happy baby from the start. Even when you are a bit cranky, it doesn’t seem to last for too long. You are definitely starting to show that you’ve got your own personality lately. Now that you can crawl and pull yourself up on things you want to get into everything. You sure are a curious little boy. Not everything is safe foe you to get into though, and sometimes when Mommy or Daddy stops you from checking things out, you throw a mini tantrum for a few seconds. It seems you’ve got a bit of a temper. Luckily, you recover pretty quickly, and take off to find something else that is new to you. I look forward to watching you explore, learn, and grow in the world around you, and I feel blessed everyday that you are our little guy.


Pretty in Green - Night Sky