My sister and I, we are each others Beezy ♥ Credits: GS Collab- Digi-Land Fonts- Theory, Theseus, Tinyscript, Theodista Decally, AB Nirvana, Thinking of Betty Quote is from President Uchtdorf (credited at bottom of my WA)
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Date: Wed March 8, 2017 Views: 303 Keywords:gssurvivor7ch3 Poster:
*Sugar Cookie* *GingerScraps Praise Team *Scrapping Survivor 7: Digi-Land {WINNER}!
Fantastic quote, love your word art creation! The bg choice is very striking and I love the two groupings of elements which guide the eye diagonally across the page. Well done.
I don't know what a Beezy is, so I asked my teenager thinking I'm just not cool enough to know, and she doesn't know either LOL. Whatever. Awesome photo of you and your sister!