I’d never ask about photographing any of the kids (creepy), but oh some of the costumes I’ve seen over the years!  I may not scrap it right away, but I pretty much write the journaling right after the end of trick or treat time to document the evening and remember my favorite costumes

Credits: Bubble and Boil by Pretty in Green


It was just before 7:30 when I turned off the porch light. It was getting slow and the 150 candy bombs I'd made were gone with 19 fun size bars beyond that. It was a good night!  169 kids in the cold and when I called it a night there were still some out down the street.

We had a radio and a pack of gum...the pack of gum was visible from across and down the street and I give it the edge over the radio for detail even with its simplicity. There was an adorable piece of candy corn. I'd guess she was 6 or 7. Big smile when I complimented her on the costume.  Miguel Cabrera is much shorter in person than I expected.  With as cold as it was, there were lots of Eskimos wearing face paint or princess skirts.

As I’ve found very usual since moving to Toledo, the kids were mostly great.  Lots of “thank you” and “Happy Halloween.”  Some of the kids held the door open for me while I got candy for the group, one boy even held the door while his friends walked off the porch for the group that followed them.  No matter how cold it is or how tired I am by the end, as long as I see that many polite kids and happy faces, I’ll keep packing up my 150 bags for the evening!