Do you remember the Enjoli from the early 80s? “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan & never, ever let him forget he’s a man...cuz I’m a woman!” What a crock! I grew up thinking that I could be perfect in every area of my life. Really?! I tried that for years...and drove myself nuts. This year, I’m working on loving myself as I am...even with all my imperfections. I’ve realized that the image we’ve been presented of the “perfect woman” is unattainable in real life! Really, who set the standard? Does anyone have the perfect career, body, hair, prince charming husband, always well behaved kids, showcase decorated and
immaculately clean house, gourmet dinner on the table every night, and so on). Honestly, I’m sure that even if I attained “perfection”, the standard would be changed, and I’d be starting all over again!