Prejudice by Wendy Tunison

Template(Altered) by Scrapping With Liz

Alpha by Delicious Scraps

Journaling Reads: Daddy went back to work on the 13th and then it was just Mommy and Austin at home during the day. Austin enjoyed being able to pick what cartoons to watch and even fell asleep one quiet afternoon on the couch, but most of the time he was digging out all kinds of toys and making tents with all the blankets in the living room. Mommy finally got a picture of the one of the tiny woodpeckers outside. There was a little break in the frigid temps and Austin & Collin went outside to play tractors in the mud. Avery had her first sleep over with her church class on Friday, the 17th. Collin caught up on watching Duck Dynasty while his sister was away. She had a great time and talked non stop when she came home Saturday afternoon. Daddy worked Saturday and then went to help Grandpa Butchy fix a roof, and so it was just Mommy and her two little helpers on Saturday morning. There was a light dusting of snow in the morning, and Austin was starting with a runny nose and cold symptoms. We made chocolate chip pancakes and then played playdoh! Later that afternoon, Mommy noticed Collin's two front teeth finally poking through. For supper Saturday night, Avery helped Daddy make chicken tacos. You all loved them-Mommy not so much, but I ate them anyway. Avery want to be a chef; so she loves to help in the kitchen. On Saturday night, Daddy rented Monsters Inc and we all loved it!