Journaling Reads:

19th.  We celebrated Todd’s birthday with brownies, all the middles cut out and only the crispy edges left for the birthday boy.  20th.  We took a family outing to the Sunflower fields.Thousands and thousands og gorgeous yellow blooms.  25th.  At Max’s birthday party, I decided to make the pinata remnants a fashion statement.

19th.  Sometimes when traveling in Okinawa, with their few and far between and less than helpfully placed road signs, you end up in places like this.  24th.  We didn’t make it to the big cherry blossom festival, but we did find a few beauties at a local park.  24th.  The fan button broke on our old vent hood and the fan was stuck “on” so we got a new one.  It’s clean and fresh.


P2014: January Mega Stash by Connie Prince

Daily Life Templates by Scrapping With Liz

Journal Font is aaron

Date font is Are you frekin' serious?