JOURNALING: When I was little, I had to have an operation on my ankle. Unlike when I was 5 and my sister and I had our tonsils taken out--together--I was ALL ALONE this time. AND, I was old enough to realize what was going on. I was SCARED! But, my Mommy said she would bake me a "magic" cookie bar that would protect me during the operation and when I was all alone at the hospital at night. When I got home, there would be more waiting for me! They were yummy! I mean, chewy, ooey, gooey, sweet, and CHOCOLATE! What wasn't to love? Fortified with a tummy full of magic, I had my operation. When I got home, I had to stay inside for a few weeks. I couldn't join my sister and our friends playing outside. But, I had my magic cookies! Everything was OK!When I was old enough to start baking on my own, I discovered that was the name for those magic cookie bars–MAGIC COOKIE BARS. A Graham cracker crust, sweet flaked coconut, chopped nuts, and chips-butterscotch, peanut butter, white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. Top it all off with a can of sweetened condensed milk. Bake. Yum!Even today, when I whip up a batch, I can still remember how my mother made a scared little girl believe in MAGIC. CREDITS: Magic Show Tonight by Whimpychompers at GingerScraps FONT: Traveling Typewriter
BTW, just an aside. I took 3 of the "people" from the kit and combined pieces of them to make my little magician. SO MUCH FUN!