My Son returning from Afghanistan in 2011.   He took the flag photo in the title word art.   The words Patriotism, Sacrifice, Courage and Dedication are written on the red stripes of the flag.   The word sacrifice is also in the journaling.

Uses Made in America Collection by Connie Prince and Template Picture Perfect 64 by Aprilisa (modified).

Journaling reads:

I have to say that I get a little annoyed when people refer to sports figures as Heroes.  While I    agree they can be  quite amazing and  talented, my Hero is prepared to give his life for others.    My Son is in the Army and I  consider every  member of the  military a Hero.  They are prepared to sacrifice  their lives to protect our freedoms.  In August of 2010, my son began his second tour  of duty in the  Middle  East.  The first tour was to Iraq and this one was to Afghanistan.   He  could have opted out since it hadn’t been that  long since his Iraq tour, but Tim loves his country  and knew he needed to be responsible to his Unit and do the right thing.   We went to the send off celebration  where the Commanders  promised the  families  that the  Unit  would be  home before Thanksgiving 2011.  Over a year  later, at 8:30 pm, on the eve of Thanksgiving, we  waited at the  Armory for our men and women to come home.   They were flying into a  private  airfield and were to be bused to the Armory so we  couldn’t  welcome them at the  airport.  The  Armory sits up on a hill and we all  gathered in the cold,  wind and dark to wait.   Pretty soon we began to hear the whup whup whup of helicopters!  Even today, my eyes are welling up! I looked  toward the highway     and saw three  helicopters  with  their search  lights shining on the buses  they were  escorting home!     I immediately burst into  tears… how cool was a  helicopter escort for our  Heroes?   As the  buses got  closer, we  realized  that the Patriot Guard (motorcycle  military group) was in the lead, a flag on  each bike,  bringing the buses  toward us.   And  another  flood of  tears  erupted and I haven’t even  seen my Son yet! Then it got kind of funny (in  retrospect).   The buses both  started to  unload  and we had no idea which one Tim was on.  We are  all very  short and could not  find him.   My  Daughter in Law  finally yelled  “Where is my Husband?”   Tim heard her and  followed the sound.  I think  we were the last  ones to connect  with our soldier!    More  tears and  hugs and pure joy   ensued.  At last, my Hero is home; safe and sound.