There are some days that click.  Yesterday afternoon was one of those times.  We were all outside on a beautiful day.  You and Kai were enjoying popsicles and sunshine and rolling down the grassy hills at nana and papa’s house.  You filled the air with giggles and my heart was full.  We stayed past your bedtime, which is saying something as we keep a pretty strict eye on the evening clock most days.  It was one of those times that you imagine having when you dream about one day having a family.  Just perfect. And while I watched you two – sticky head to toe from your popsicles and covered in dirt – playing and laughing.  I allowed myself to think for a second that maybe we’re doing things right.  I hope these are the times and days you remember.  I hope you look back on your childhood one day and remember rolling hill races and melted sticky goo in your hair and I hope you remember how happy you were.

Sugary Fancy, Shawna Clingerman, Jenn Barrette:

Two Tiny Turtles:
Remember Those Days 2 (coming July 12th)