100 Days of Happy by Connie Prince and Trixie Scraps
A Little Sunshine Font
Alyssa: Who do you want to marry?
Me: Um... my boyfriend.
Alyssa: I wanna marry Ryan Gosling.
Me: Oh yeah, the guy from The Notebook.
Alyssa: Who did he play in The Notebook?
Me: He was the main guy.
As she asks me more questions about the movie, it becomes clear that she's never seen it and I'm wondering where she's seen Ryan Gosling.
Me: OK well if you haven't seen the movie, where have you seen Ryan Gosling?
Alyssa: In The Way Way Back.
Me: Oh I've never seen that.
Alyssa: You've never seen it?! It's on your DVR!
Me:Did you stay up watching that after we went to bed? No wonder you woke up so late!
I asked Brent about the movie since he recorded it. Apparently Ryan Gosling isn't in that movie, so I'm not sure who her future husband is.