Gingerbread Ladies - Pages of Imagination (notebook, library slip), Gingerbread Ladies - Remember When (feather), Gingerbread Ladies - Man oh Man (duct tape arrows), Gingerbread Ladies - Oh Boy, Little Rad Trio & B2N2 - Studmuffin (frames, paper items, flowers, alpha), Clever Monkey Graphics - School Rules (word art, notebook, pencil), Ooh La La - Love Is (clock, love charm), Pixelily - Bookworm (elements), Pixelily -  Just Like Dad, Ponytails - Focus on Your selfie & Refresh, Seatrout Scraps - Adventure is Out There (ticket), Connie Prince - Adventure Time, JB Studio - Leap Of Faith Grungy Papers, , B2N2 - Monkeying Around – frame, Blue Heart Scraps – Awesomesauce, NMSS - 100 Days of Happy (tickets), Just Because Studio - I Am Happy (date stamp, tag frame)

 link to full-res on photobucket

Journaling Reads:

My Day - Date 8/13/15

(at bottom) After dreading this day for 6 years - since finding that I was pregnant which meant that I would have 4 kids in school on 4 different schedules in 2015 - the day was finally here!

@5:56 - After waking up every hour on the hour, the clock finally said that it was time to get up.

@6:04  Grab my coffee & watch the news – IMPORTANT

@6:24  Wake up ALL 4 kids - some are easier than others


@7:36-8:04 Drop off Jr. High & High Fina -7:38, Kelly 7:43, Drop off Kinder & 5th Boo - 7:58, Ry - 8:04

@8:51  It is SO quiet!  By myself for the first time in 15 1/2 years

@11:21  Picture of the Day! Picking up my Big Kindergartner. He rocked this day!

@12:42  lunch to celebrate D's bday

@2:30-3:29  After their first day, I did all the pick-ups.  Ry, then 45 mins, later, Fina, then 15 min. later, Kelly 2:30, 3:16 and 3:29

@4:32  1st day of school, means paperwork for me


@9:30  The day finally ends with a story!