Credits : Be Still by Connie Prince, Template by Tinci Designs

Journaling :

My fitbit tells me that I walked 400 kms last month! Much of it was on the lakeside, a place where I find much serenity and tranquility. Whoever said that meditation can be done only sitting down in a lotus position? As I walk along the lake, my favourite music playing through my headphones, the lake lapping on the shore- sometimes fiercely, sometimes softly, birds swooping in joy, sun setting behind the Alps, I lose all sense of time and place. I laughingly told my friend the other day that I consider this ‘my’ lake, as if Switerzerland and France have no ownership over it! But I see that there is truth in what I said. This place has become mine in my heart, a place which belongs to me, a place to which I belong. I have taken the serenity from the lake and absorbed it into me; now it is mine forever.