For 10 years I lived in a broken down abusive marriage. 10 long years of contently being berated and being made felt like a rag doll. There was no escape from the barking orders or the power he had over me. For 10 long years I was a puppet in his hands and he was my master. He told me where to go, what to do, who I could see, how to raise my kids, and even what to eat. I was a prisoner in my own home; in my own body. I had no control over my feelings or my thoughts. Ten years it took me before I finally broke free. Free from the chains that had me bound all those long years. After 10 years I finally became myself, a real person. Yet those 10 years will forever haunt me. Forever be my past. 10 years that left personal scares upon my soul. The 10 years that finally made me who I am.

MOC 20:
Paula Kesselring: License Plate Alpha
M3: April 2015 + add on
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