Template: My Story 7 by LissyKay Designs
#2016 by Connie Prince

Happy Hanneke Regular
Pea So Lovely Regular

The week of the selfies, the going out with friends and scaring the crap out of my husband. It was a good week though. Friday, I went to a bar with friends and had a little too much too drink. First time ever that I've drank that much. Learned those limits the hard way. Saturday, we had a hockey game to go to for Scouts. Ethan had a lot of fun. Basically I spent the last of January sitting around taking selfies, because that's what you do. And I watched a lot of Sons of Anarchy. I'm loving me some Jax though it'd be nice if he could be just a little bit more loyal to Tara. But that's just my opinion on the matter.
