Credits : Blue Aint Just for Boys by Seatrout Scraps, Template by Seatrout Scraps

Journaling : My boy turned twenty six! I remember that day from twenty six years ago so very clearly...that extreme fatigue from being two weeks overdue, the exertion from a 36 hr labour which went nowhere, the panic when the doctor said that the baby was in distress, the relief of sinking into the clouds of anaesthetic, the confusion as I recovered consciousness, the joy when they placed him in my arms, that astounding sense of recognition when he opened his eyes and met mine for the first time and the miracle of seeing the same sense of recognition in his eyes. He smiled at me! A newborn..who would believe it? But he recognized me and smiled at me...Twenty six years later he has become more of a stranger than he was on that day for he is now his own person. But on that day, though the physical umbilical cord had been cut, we were still as connected as if we were two parts of one being. I have had so much joy from him over these years! What a blessing he has been! How proud he makes me again and again! My heart overflows with love for him and I wish him endless joy from this life!