First true snowfall of the year and you and your siblings just could
not wait to bundle up to go outside to play! The smile and laughter on
your face, truly melted my heart! Snow is in your blood, little girl. We make snow angels , we build snow forts and we taste freshly fallen snowflakes. This year you even attempted sledding for the first time! (boy did you enjoy that!). You made me pull you up the hill about 1000 times, till I could barely catch my breath anymore! I have a hard time saying no to your sweet little face! As fun as our outdoor adventures are. I am always glad to head back in for hot cocoa and cuddles. You are growing so quickly my Doodle. I am so glad to call you mine!

Credits: Just Jaimee: Dec 2016 Story Teller
Amy Wolff: A Merry Month
Heather Joyce: The Reed